Performance and risk indicators are essential business measurements that make a significant distinction to how organizations are governed. Thus, measurements provide insights in the way an organizational system operates using…
Stakeholder’s management engagement and corporate social responsibility are becoming more and more important, and popular in the world of business. ISO 26000 is a standard which has focused on these…
Project managers face a variety of situations and challenges in the workplace. They must learn to balance different skills for the situations they may face while also ensuring that they…
Case Study 1: CSX Signal Shop Talmadge J. (TJ) Pittman, CSX Signal Shop, Savannah GA, has always managed in a system where ISO 9001 was the governing standard. When asked…
The Swedish economy is accelerated from Small and Medium Enterprises (SME’s), overpassing the establishment of large organizations substantially. According to statistics, 1.082.100 out of 1.088.310 companies are small. In other…
Personal Information Protection has become increasingly important during the past few decades, resulting from the fast pace technological advancements throughout the globe. Both individuals and organizations have been continuously falling…
Organizations around the world, either big or small, can be affected by ‘disruptive incidents’. Such incidents may be deliberate, accidental or even natural disasters which can cause severe damage to…
The formula to make customers satisfied in the hospitality industry is not to provide services that will only make customers say “it was a good experience” but to make them…
Every day we are witnessing a change in the role of technology as it impacts the environment, people, and society as a whole. People are becoming detached from the environment;…
The impact of globalization on organizations is increasing rapidly, no matter the size or industry. In today’s open economy, organizations are more exposed to bribery. Bribe means a payment or…