Tonje is a mother of four children living with her fiancé in Drøbak, Norway. She is also an ex-Googler and ex- Microsofter helping organizations lead digital transformation, culture, and behavior change in the workplace. Working in various high-paced global organizations such as Google and Microsoft and also working and living in France and Switzerland has taught her change leadership, what it takes to be innovative and the value of staying agile and flexible, autonomous, being ready for perpetual changes, understanding different models of the world/cultures, and what it takes to lead in a global competitive landscape. At Google, she got first-hand experience with how to engage and motivate all employees and what it takes to make sure the company keeps its competitive edge. She learned the power of transparent communication and collaboration across organizations. And she wants to give value and share this knowledge with the world of business; transform workplace cultures into thriving spaces where people’s hearts are in their work, to increase engagement, deliver innovation, and tangible results – fast. Growthitude helps organizations develop and engage their people and teams successfully and in that help reduce costs, increase efficiency, improve quality and profitability through good leadership and a good work culture.